Posting similar content can very quickly get boring for consumers to read, and it makes them want to continue to scroll past your business’ posts. However, experimenting with new types of content on your page could lead to a compromise in the value that the posts hold overall, to both your business and your audience.
So what is the solution to providing valuable content that is still engaging, while not wasting loads of your business’ time on creating social media content?
Posting Articles as Content and How It Could Be Important to your Marketing Strategy
Although most businesses do not leverage articles in their social media strategy, articles can actually be a useful solution to channeling your target audience’s attention while still providing them valuable content. Article posting involves the use of information, usually from a web article that is related to your niche, that you are posting to your audience. In a way, you are providing useful information about your niche they can learn more about, by having them check out an existing blog post or article. Your business can use articles as social media content that are written by you, or even by another trusted source within your niche. Although this may seem unusual, providing unique modes of content such as articles can bring very powerful results to your social media pages.
With so many different competitors in your niche on social media, even in your local area, it can feel daunting or near impossible to provide the best content and build loyalty through credibility to your customers. But by providing content such as articles, you will never have to worry about wasting time or potential in the results you see on social media again.
Here Are 5 Reasons Why Adding Articles to your Rotation of Content Could Produce Results On Social Media That Other Business Will Never Be Able To Compete With:
1. Ease of Posting
The use of article posting has proven to be a very strong way of building credibility amongst your audience, whether they are new to you or have been following you for some time. Furthermore, article posting is so powerful because you do not have to do any of the work, other than finding a reliable article that is specific to your niche. This is not a way of saying it is okay to plagiarize other people’s work, as you must still credit the article’s original source, but simply reposting it as a form of content for your audience to see. When it aligns within your niche and is reliable, it provides great value to your brand, as you are the one putting it in front of people’s eyes.
2. Brand Authority
Along with the ease of article posting, it also helps build out your various social media platforms by providing content that is different from what may be normal to your audience. You can firmly assert yourself and build your brand’s authority into a niche by using this method, as you are providing reliable and specific information. By posting fresh and informative content, you will not only engage your existing audience, but you will also bring in the attention of other similar like-minded people, who may eventually turn into customers of yours.
3. Boost Engagement
Article posting is a great way to boost your engagement with your audience, and may even help you gain more followers by switching up your normal posting habits. Your followers get accustomed to your daily posts over time, and instead of reading the posts, which they may have done at the beginning, they scroll past them like any other post. By posting different articles relating to your business’ industry, however, creates a new and fresh type of post that contrasts your regular scheduled posts and will attract the eyes of your audience.
4. Provide Fresh and New Information
As everyone in your niche is trying to compete, they are all finding the latest and greatest ways of selling your product or performing your service. One great way to leverage posting articles is by finding new information that a competitor has put out and post an article on that topic to your platform. This ensures that you are not left behind in your industry. You could even get ahead of other businesses in your niche by posting valuable information that your target audience has not yet been exposed to before by someone different on social media. Furthermore, news methods become the standard in your niche. If you are not up to date, you may lose credibility amongst your audience and customers.
5. Building a Strong Social Media Profile
As you begin to post more and more to your social media platforms, your audience is going to get used to your regular posts. Posting articles as social media content is a great way to freshen up and diversify your profile. This strategy in turn will lead to a greater retention rate from your audience, and will even provide higher conversion rates for your business. Instead of just attracting more eyes, your content will be more effective as well, by increasing the conversion rates and engaging new potential customers.
Article posting is one of the greatest methods of interacting with your audience. Ultimately, it simplifies posting by enabling you to find reliable articles specific to your niche, instead of you having to write your own. Also, it is a great way to increase your brand’s credibility amongst your customers and within your niche. Although many businesses do not utilize articles as a part of their social media content, it could be a huge advantage against competitors in your niche by adding it to your own strategy. With its many benefits, this way on engaging your audience should not be overlooked.
Want to make creating content even easier?
Social Rotation makes this already simplified your method of generating and posting valuable content, even outsourced articles. All you have to do is find the article that you want to post, copy the link, and schedule out the post, generated by the link given, that is completely done-for-you.
To learn more about how to utilize articles or blog posts as content for your business' social media page, or how Social Rotation could completely take the work of posting completely off of your hands, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.