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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, a strong social media presence is non-negotiable for small businesses looking to thrive. With the rapid evolution of online platforms, staying relevant and engaging with your audience is a constant challenge. Enter Social Rotation's latest content release: the Refinery 21 tribute Canva Template. This game-changing tool is set to empower small businesses to take their social media game to the next level.

The Evolution of Social Media Marketing

Gone are the days when occasional posts on social media sufficed for business promotion. Social media has transformed into a dynamic arena where creativity, consistency, and strategic planning are paramount. Small businesses are realizing the need to adapt and embrace innovative solutions to stand out amidst the digital noise. Social Rotation's Refinery 21 tribute Canva Template arrives as a breath of fresh air, enabling businesses to seamlessly blend creativity with strategy.

Unveiling the Refinery 21 Tribute Canva Template

Social Rotation's Refinery 21 tribute Canva Template pays homage to the bold and captivating visual style of Refinery 21 – a pioneer in modern lifestyle and fashion journalism. This template encapsulates the essence of visually stunning content combined with concise messaging. With its sleek and contemporary design, businesses can effortlessly create eye-catching visuals that resonate with their audience.

Empowering Small Businesses

So, how exactly can small businesses harness the power of the Refinery 21 tribute Canva Template through Social Rotation? Let's delve into the ways this tool can revolutionize your social media strategy:

  1. Professional Aesthetics, Zero Hassle: Even without an in-house design team, small businesses can now achieve a professional and polished look for their social media content. The template's pre-designed elements make it easy to craft visuals that are on par with industry leaders.
  2. Seamless Brand Integration: Customization is key to maintaining brand consistency. The Canva Template allows businesses to effortlessly incorporate their logos, color schemes, and fonts, ensuring that every piece of content reflects their unique identity.
  3. Time and Effort Efficiency: The template streamlines content creation by providing a foundation. This means less time spent brainstorming layouts and more time for crafting compelling captions and engaging with the audience.
  4. Variety in Visuals: The Refinery 21 tribute Canva Template offers diverse layouts for different types of content, from product launches to inspirational quotes. This versatility prevents content from becoming monotonous and keeps the audience intrigued.
  5. Strategic Messaging: Each template comes with space for concise yet impactful messaging. This is a golden opportunity for businesses to convey their core values, promotions, or calls to action effectively.

How to Access the Content

If you have a single-location Social Rotation account, log into your account. 

Click on Admin.

Click on Training.  You will find your new templates at the bottom of that screen.

If you have a Social Rotation Reseller account, log into your account. 

Click on Agency Training

Then click on Resources. Scroll down and you will see all of the Canva Templates we have available to you there.  

How to Edit Templates

How to Upload the Content into Social Rotation

Need help using the Content

Book A Call With A Member Of Our Team. 
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A Complete List Of Observance Days Throughout This Month  

By now you are probably thinking, what do random National Days have anything to do with the success of my business’ digital marketing strategy?  

National Holidays provide a type of content to your business that is uniquely different from usual content, is witty, and easily catches your audiences’ attention. Amongst the countless Social Media Holidays that exist, your business can strategically pick days related to your specific niche, subconsciously relating your content to your business and what you can offer consumers. Furthermore, not only are these days can effortlessly flipped into postable content, it is also an extremely fun and easily digestible piece of content for your audience to enjoy. With all of these aspects at hand, National Holidays are ultimately easily generated, yet highly engaging in a quirky manner. What more could you ask for in a piece of content?  

Despite Social Media Holidays being one of the quickest yet effective types of engagement boosting content, most businesses still do not know they exist or understand the caliber it has within a marketing strategy. As the month of October is now halfway over, your business can implement National Holidays immediately into your rotation of content and leverage engagement against competitors unlike before. 

Here Is The List of Holidays Your Business Can Utilize As Content Throughout The Month Of October: 

Month of October Observances: 

October 1st: 

October 2nd:

October 3rd: 

October 4th: 

October 5th: 

October 6th: 

October 7th: 

October 8th: 

October 9th: 

October 10th: 

October 11th: 

October 12th: 

October 13th: 

October 14th: 

October 15th:

October 16th: 

October 17th: 

October 18th: 

October 19th: 

October 20th: 

October 21st: 

October 22nd: 

October 23rd: 

October 24th: 

October 25th: 

October 26th:

October 27th:

October 28th:

October 29th:

October 30th:

October 31st:

To find more on the National Holidays in October, click here.

As if creating this type of content on social media could not be any easier for businesses, Social Rotation already has all of these National Days done for you. For the entire year, your business can choose and schedule the Social Media Holidays you want to post. From templated content to captions, this content is completed and only needs to be scheduled to post on the day. Although the month of October is already here, it is not too late to implement this type of content into your strategy and watch its success unfold. 

To learn more about how to take advantage National Holidays as an effective tool on your business social media platforms and of Social Rotation's done-for-you content packs that are ready to be scheduled, click here to start a 7 day free trial.

Highlighting Social Rotation’s Newest Feature And Why Your Business Should Be Taking Advantage Of It In Your Social Media Marketing  

Every business strives to have relevant and engaging content that relates to their specific niche. 

But how many different types of content does your business intentionally utilize to drive the most users to pay attention and take interest in your social media page? 

There are many different types of content, apart from your typical niche content, that any kind of business can utilize to further engage and build relationships with their target audience. From user-generated content to educational, there are endless opportunities when it comes to creating content that not only relates back to your brand, but is constantly fresh and interesting to your consumers. To see the top 10 types of content your business can create on its social media page and each of their benefits, view our previous post on it here.

As a business, building content that is diverse and engaging is only one of many aspects to executing your overall strategy on social media. From staying consistently active on all of your business’ pages to keeping everything organized and scheduling content on the back end, there are many moving pieces to running your social media that can easily slip through the cracks. Although Social Rotation has always been there for your business to provide opportunity for efficiency and success through done-for-you content, we have now advanced a step further to ensure your social media sees the most growth within our software’s hands.  

Ready to hear about Social Rotation’s new opportunities to take your strategy to the next level, and to see your business’ potential come to fruition? 

Introducing Social Rotation’s Newest Feature: the ability to combine the done-for-you content to make an ultimate custom pack that satisfies all your business’ needs and goals social media!

The Benefits of Combining Social Packs In Social Rotation: 

1. Streamlining Your Content Process, From Creation To Posting. 

Ever get lost in your social media strategy, from planning different types of posts to even just staying organized or on top of things? With this new feature, your business has the ability to access all of your potential content in only one place. Now when it comes to planning and scheduling content, not only is the content already done-for-you, but your business can see and schedule everything for your social media accounts in one place. 

2. A Social Media Pack Custom To Your Business.  

When creating this ultimate content pack for your business, you can add whatever and however many content packs you want that align with your business’ goals and strategy on social media. Not only can you combine these different categorical packs, but your business also has the ability to delete specific posts that may not fit well on your social media, and even add more content that you customize yourself through Canva or Giphy. Your business can pick through all the done for you content as you please, and create the perfect schedule on content that matches your marketing strategy and will bring your business the best results on social media.

3. Checking Off All of Your Boxes, Without Having to Think About It. 

There are a lot of components to your social media strategy, including the utilization of different types of content to provide value to your users and social media overall. But, with all of these moving parts, aspects such as diversifying your page or posting specifically types of content can easily get lost and forgotten about. Although adding motivational or user-generated content may be small pieces to your social media, they are still relevant to your business and can ultimately provide an equal amount of success compared to your more niche specific posts. 

To see results and exceed your business’ full potential on social media, it is important that none of the pieces of your social media strategy are being left behind. By adding all types of content into one social media pack in Social Rotation, it ensures that your business is not just putting out one type of content and will continue to engage users in a way that gets them to stop scrolling and take action within your business. From content that is done-for-you to combining content packs, Social Rotation handles the bulk of the time and effort it would usually take your business to execute these aspects of your marketing strategy on social media, leaving you with only customizing and scheduling it. 

Here is an example within the Social Rotation dashboard of what combining multiple done-for-you content packs can look like. This photo has put together niche content for a spa, the engagement pack, and both of the motivational content packs from Social Rotation into one full pack to utilize and schedule out. The current layout was customized after by editing out posts that were not relevant to a massage spa’s target audience, as well as building out an even spread to ensure that one type of content was not dominating their social media more than another. Combining these packs into one guaranteed this business’ social media to be consistent, balanced, and ultimately successful in their marketing endeavors on social media.  

How To Combine Social Rotation’s Done-For-You Content All Into One Pack:  

Want to dive in and learn how to create your own ultimate content pack?

Follow these simple FOUR steps to get started: 

With only these four steps, Social Rotation has your business on its way to posting consistent and diverse content that provides your business opportunities for higher engagement, discoverability, and growth on social media.

Ultimately, with over 80 different buckets of content to choose from, the potential is endless in taking advantage of this new feature on Social Rotation. From harvesting the benefits of diverse content to simply keeping your social media content on track and organized, having the ability to combine packs of content can provide a lot of value to your business’ execution strategy for its social media marketing. Along with these benefits, implementing an ultimate pack into your strategy not only takes 4 easy steps, but takes the majority of the work and time invested completely off your hands and already done-for-you by the Social Rotation software. Take advantage of this new feature and the opportunities that come with it now to ease your social media load as a business owner while still producing effective results that effortlessly beat out all of your local competitors.

To learn more about how to take advantage of Social Rotation's newest content pack feature and grow your social media through incorporating different types of content, click here to start a 7 day free trial.

12 Statistics About Google My Business That Matter To Your Business

It is no secret that Google is one of the most powerful tools of our day and age. Having over 8.5 billion searches a day, its uses are infinite and now a part of daily life. With many audiences searching on this platform everyday, Google has also now become a main hub for businesses to be discoverable, drive traffic, and grow their engagement and sales.

Google My Business is a Google affiliate platform that allows your business to set up a profile, post pictures and content, and overall make your business accessible to consumers who are searching your business. Although most businesses believe this is just a place to input their location and contact information, Google My Business can actually be utilized similar to any other social media platform, in order to generate leads through increased discoverability, engagement, and ultimately drive interested consumers to your website page. 

So now you may be wondering, how can businesses like yours use Google My Business to its greatest advantage in your strategy, and is it worth your time and investment to include it as a  social channel into the list of digital spaces that you market your business in?  

We have Compiled 12 of the Google My Business Statistics that Demonstrate How Your Business Could Be Driving More Traffic and Engagement In Its Marketing Strategy Right Now: 
The Importance of Having a GMB Profile 

Whether finding directions or for a list of local businesses in the area, we have all used Google Maps to search for a destination in some capacity. For your business to be found on Google Maps, you must have a Google My Business account activated with your address listed. Additionally, with 72% of users preferring a business that is closer to their location on Maps, it is crucial that your business is actively listed, otherwise you could miss out on some of the most easily accessible potential consumers. 

Did you know that although the majority of businesses are searchable on Google, about half of their profiles have not been claimed? Just like any other social media platform, inactivity could lead to a loss of opportunity in discoverability and engagement from potential consumers, especially if you appear to no longer be open based on your GMB Profile and details. 

In contrast, businesses who are active and keep their GMB updated see positive results in the way that consumers respond to your business in a search. The more time and effort your business spends on its Google Profile, the more reliable and credible you are to be perceived by users, and they are consequently more likely to choose your products or services over any other competitors. 

Although it can be thought that most Google searches relating to businesses are specifically searching for one local business, this idea is in fact a misconception. This statistic shows that user behavior tends to actually be the exact opposite, where consumers will search for a type of business in their local area, and choose a business to inquire about based on the list of results. The more active your Google My Business Profile is, the more discoverable your business will be in these listings, and ultimately drive more consumers to choose your local business or visit your website. 

Just like any other social media page, building your GMB profile can take a lot of invested time and effort from your business, so it is extremely valid to question its return and the magnitude of results that you could see from it. Theoretically, if your business disregarded GMB as a whole, you could miss out on at least 1,000 if not more views per month that could be converted into sales or recurring consumers. By keeping your profile active and posting relevant content, your business could see a surge of engagement just by adding this piece of marketing into your overall strategy. 

The Effects GMB Can Have On Consumers With Your Business’ Profile

When searching on Google, consumers are directly looking to discover businesses like yours to solve whatever problem they are experiencing. Improving your discoverability, by building a strong presence on your GMB profile, can create yet another avenue of traffic for your business that many businesses can miss out on simply by ignoring how their business appears in Google searches. 

Reviews can make or break a business’ success on Google, especially in leading consumers to their business over a local competitor. Not only do reviews help build your GMB profile as a business, it furthermore helps build your credibility and demonstrate your quality of service to those who are just getting to know your business through a Google search. 

Just as fast as good reviews can bring new business, negative reviews can drive potential consumers away. No business is perfect, and every business will eventually get a bad review from a customer. But, it is still important to your business’ GMB listing that your customers are overall satisfied with your quality of service, as it could affect how your business presents itself to newer potential consumers on Google searches. 

One major aspect of a GMB profile is pictures. Just like any other social platform, posting updated and enticing pictures of your business makes your business more appealing, visually attractive, and will ultimately drive more users to engage and click on your business to learn more.  

Even if you are a small, single-location, local business, there are still people who are searching for your business in the area every day. As stated in the previous statistic about location, people are searching for businesses on Google who not only have good reviews and quality pictures, but are also located near their area. Having an active GMB profile is important therefore for all operating businesses, even if you are small and local. 

If you did not believe that Google My Business could be important for any business, you must now. Users are searching for businesses like yours in your area every single day. By not having a GMB profile that shows your business is still open and grabs their attention from the businesses listed, you are missing out on huge opportunities that require minimal effort within your overall marketing and social media strategy. 

If your business is not actively building its profile on Google My Business, you are missing out on huge opportunities for your brand exposure and traffic that gets driven to your website. Unlike other social media platforms, Google searches do not come with a like or follow that lets your business know you are gaining traffic or more engagement. But, with that being said, searches on Google ultimately lead to the most success in discoverability, increasing your brand’s awareness in its local area, and the amount of traffic and recurring consumers that your business has and continues to grow upon. 

To learn more about these statistics, click here

Ultimately, Google My Business is an amazing platform to increase your business discoverability, brand awareness, build credibility, and drive traffic all through Google searches that your potential and recurring consumers are performing every day. Although Google in itself is not a “social media platform”, it can be used by businesses as a place of direct and indirect communication to your audience to boost engagement and drive consumers to be interested in your brand, just like any other social media outlet. Ignoring Google My Business could lead your business to miss out on being included in searches, allowing your audience to access you within the digital space, and drive away countless opportunities and interested consumers who are actively looking to invest in your business. 

To learn more about how to effectively utilize Google My Business in your business marketing strategy for the overall success of your business, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

How Educational Content Builds Credibility, Boosts Reciprocity, And Sets Your Consumer Engagement Apart From The Rest 

In order to distinguish yourself amongst your competitors, your business must provide useful information, establish credibility, and highly engage your audience all packed up into one piece of content. So how can your business check off all of these boxes when generating content, while ensuring that they will produce the most effective results to ultimately attract and retain consumers? 

One way of delivering valuable information within your content strategy is the use of educational content. Educational content comes in a range of various different forms, such as “How To” guides, tutorials, and product reviews. By creating content like this, it provides your existing customers resources and education regarding your product or services, while enabling potential customers the ability to learn from your educational content as well.There is truly no way to go wrong with content that is informational, and provides a special type of value within its nature by providing solutions that people are looking for regarding your niche.

Although the worth is clear in investing time into creating educational content, most businesses still do not make use of it within their marketing and social media strategies. However, there are a multitude of benefits and potential opportunities that your business could miss out on, all by not taking advantage of incorporating educational content. 

Here are 4 Benefits To Incorporating Educational Content that will Elevate your Business’ Marketing Strategy to be More Effective With your Audience: 

1. Anyone can utilize Educational Content

One aspect of this type of content is that it can be equally as valuable to any consumer within your target audience. Whether they are a current consumer, a prospective buyer, or maybe a person who had never known about your business previously, they can all benefit from content that holds value to anyone who engages with it. Educational content provides information that anyone within your audience can utilize, especially if they are looking for a solution to the specific problem your business addresses in the content. 

2. Creating Reciprocity with the Consumer

By providing information to your audience, you are essentially giving them something that they find valuable. Through continually giving to the consumer, they will in turn reciprocate this action for your business in some form, whether it be following you on social media or even investing in your products or services. All forms of content, even if they are not educational in nature, should be both high quality and valuable in nature. But, by taking the time as a business to offer your expertise towards a specific problem, a relationship is built between your business and its consumers. Posting educational content makes your consumers aware that they can always turn to your business for answers, whether that be through resourceful content or your products and services.    

3. Builds your Business’ Credibility  

When an existing or potential customer sees your educational content, it leaves an impression on them. They view you as an expert within your niche, thus bringing an incredible amount of credibility to your business, and further distinguishes your business amongst your competitors. Educational content lets your consumers know that your business understands what problems they have, and consequently directs them to the solutions that they need relating to your business. Furthermore, you are also educating your audience more on your niche, in turn making them more informed and impacting them in their buying decision process, all in your business’ favor. At the end of the day, your business should be seeking to differentiate itself from other similar businesses within your niche, and educational content is a simple yet effective way of doing this.

4. Educational Content is Evergreen

Amongst all of the other benefits of educational content, it is also evergreen. This term means that the content is always relevant and useful to your consumers, no matter what the current trends are on social media or within your specific industry. The beauty of evergreen content is that your business can spend a great amount of time perfecting it, without having to worry about its ability to drive traffic or sales ever diminishing. Although there may be rare exceptions where some of the information in a piece of educational content goes out of date, this is an easy fix where the post can be updated, and ultimately recycled on a continual basis. To check out more on evergreen content, take a look at our previous blog post on it here. 

Besides providing resources to your customers, educational content is a great way of establishing brand authority through credibility, reciprocity, and useful content that can stand the test of time with producing engagement. Distinguish your company from the rest of your competitors by giving your business this extra element of depth in your strategy, as you try to produce the best response for your target audience. It is never too late for you to implement it into your marketing, and would miss out on a great amount of effective content if you did not take advantage of it.

To learn more about the benefits of educational content within your own marketing strategy and how Social Rotation makes creating informationally valuable content easier than even, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

What Is It, What Are Its Benefits, Tips on Generating It, and How Can It Be Leveraged in Driving Optimal Traffic Versus the Competition 

Recently, you may have heard buzzwords such as “evergreen content.” But what does this term actually mean, and is it any worthwhile looking into for your own business’ marketing?

What is Evergreen Content? 

Just like the evergreen tree, where its leaves are always green, evergreen content is a type of post that is always relevant and has no time frame. Rather than only staying relevant in accordance with a specific trend, its purpose is to be more sustainable and a piece of content that will always be interesting to your target audience. Evergreen content is highly valuable because it never loses traffic, as its topic is not time sensitive to any trend that could lose its relevance over time. 

This type of post can be greatly leveraged in your content marketing strategy, especially as a way to continually build guaranteed traffic to your page. Evergreen posts aim to provide content for searches that people will always look up and be interested in, so their relevance will never fade away with time. By utilizing keywords and strengthening the posts’ SEO, the better the content will consistently drive traffic overtime, as people continue to use these searches and discover your content easily. Additionally, the great thing about evergreen content is that you can put a lot of effort and time into them, ensuring they are quality posts without feeling like they are a waste of time after a specific industry or social media trend ends. Because of the specific topics that are considered evergreen, the beauty in this content is truly in the fact that it has no expiration date, and is a sustainable post for your business regardless of current trends.

Examples of Evergreen Content

To get your creative juices flowing, and give a better understanding of how evergreen content could look for your business, here are a few examples of ideas for posts that are considered evergreen: 

Each piece of evergreen content that your business generates will continually build upon the layers of traffic that come to your page. It is important to note that quality is still key in evergreen content, especially because it will be continually looked at and engaged with the most. The content must ultimately provide value to your target audience and relate to your specific niche, just like any other content your business creates. Additionally, despite being evergreen, it is crucial to still monitor their metrics. The point of evergreen content is to draw in long-term traffic, so if it ceases to do well at some point, the piece is no longer evergreen. Watching how your content does allows you to adapt your strategy, and always build upon your approach for future content that will in turn be the most successful. Overall, writing in this format does not guarantee that your content is evergreen, nor that it will be immediately a hit compared to your non-evergreen content, but these starter ideas are a good foundation to start generating content that is sustainable and the most efficient. 

Examples of Content that are Not Evergreen 

In contrast, here are a few content examples that are not considered evergreen content: 

A good rule of thumb when determining whether content is evergreen or not is to think about whether its topic will drop in interest or engagement over time. If there is a possibility its relevance could eventually go away, then that piece is not evergreen. Also, not every piece of content your business creates needs to be evergreen; producing trending content is an essential to any successful marketing strategy, and should not be suddenly ignored. But, in terms of creating some efficient pieces that will always drive traffic, some if your business’ greatest creative efforts should be put into evergreen content. 

Tips for Writing Evergreen Content 

1. Avoid Technical Language 

Stick with simple rhetoric that is easy for any consumer to understand, otherwise they may get confused or ultimately uninterested. Essentially, you want to write for beginners, so you cover all types of consumers in your audience with each piece of content, and do not miss any potential traffic simply because of your language. 

2. Narrow Your Topic 

The more general your content’s topic is, the more competition you will have for your content for driving your audience to your business versus someone else’s. With more general content ideas, your business runs the risk of losing readers this way as well because if you do, it may not be as valuable or interesting content to them. Additionally, how narrow your topic changes the keywords that you use, which could help or hurt the content’s SEO and consequently affects its success in driving content overtime. 

3. Optimize for SEO 

As stated previously, perfecting the SEO through keywords can be a crucial piece in increasing the effectiveness and overall longevity of your evergreen post. The better their SEO, the greater impact the content can make for as long as possible, to continue building upon those layers of traffic you are driving to your business with the evergreen content. 

4.  Repurpose Content 

Repurposing content is another great marketing strategy that can be utilized hand in hand with evergreen content that you generate. The recycling of older content can be a great way to make use of content that you have already created, whether it has done well or not so well in the past. Since the content is evergreen, the post is always relevant and can be posted more than once overtime, in order to continue doing its job as evergreen. Furthermore, based on how they did in the past, your business can always adapt it with an improved strategy, and repost again to perform better than it did the first time. To read more about the benefits of recycling content, visit our blog post on it here.

Social Rotation and Evergreen Content 

Did you know that within the Social Rotation, there is both existing evergreen content both already done-for-you, and easily accessible to create? 

With the Social Rotation platform, you can incorporate the use of evergreen content in a multitude of ways, all within a few simple steps. Here are just some of the ways Social Rotation gives your business the opportunity to indulge in the benefits of evergreen content: 

To learn more about the benefits of evergreen content within your own marketing strategy and how Social Rotation makes creating sustainable content easier than even, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

The Power of Social Media For All Types of Businesses And The Opportunities Those Who Ignore Digital Marketing Miss Out On 

Over the years, social media has not only evolved into a huge platform of communication, but also a place to market to consumers. With now over 4 billion total users worldwide, the range of potential to be successful on social media is endless- no matter your niche, type of target audience, or your business’ overall goals on social media, there are always opportunities for your brand in some way to market to consumers out there who are active on these social media platforms. Through a thought out strategy on social media alone, your business can boost its discoverability, brand awareness and authority, drive more traffic, and ultimately generate more sales.

Although most businesses understand the power of social media, most do not tap into their potential because they believe their social media has to start from somewhere or that their business is too small to see any sort of results. But, in reality, this reason that drives brands away from social media is actually the complete opposite of the truth. From large to small local businesses, any business can benefit from being active on social media, even if their pages start from the ground. Ignoring social media as a business results in turned away followers, interested consumers, and ultimately lost revenue. 

So apart from the fact that your business is marketable on social media, what are the actual benefits your brand can see by putting in your time and effort into building your social media presence? 

Here Are 3 Outcomes That Any Business With An Active Presence Will See On Social Media: 

1. Increased Brand Awareness, Authority, and Discoverability 

By not being on social media, users who are actively looking for brands like yours, or even your business specifically, will never be able to find you because your account does not exist. By utilizing digital platforms such as social media, you allow these consumers to connect with your business through the method that they prefer the most. By being present on social media alone, your business is giving itself the opportunity to open itself up to a wider audience, and be discovered by consumers who would have never found you otherwise. 

Additionally, being active on social media allows your business to enter the space as a credible and reliable brand. By creating valuable posts and eventually building up the content that you have on your page, you will in turn build trust as a brand with your followers and in turn have authority on social media as a brand in your niche within the digital space. Active presence on social media gives your business a chance to build an audience, authority, and your brand’s personality in a way you would never be able to market and profit off of offline. 

2. Generate Leads and Drive Website Traffic 

Although leads and website traffic can be found in many different places, missing out on any type of leads are also missed potential sales. Whether you are looking into running ad campaigns on social media, or your business just wants to be active on social media by posting different forms of content, there are many different strategies that can be implemented to drive interest to your brand, and ultimately to your website. By staying present on social media, consumers can easily take interest in your brand and your products, all by giving your business a follow. 

Although not all followers will convert into immediate sales, creating a loyal consumer base that is invested in your brand’s products will still produce positive effects for your overall engagement, exposure on social media, and the amount of revenue that your business generates. As your engagement and following continues to grow on social media, so will the response to your content, and the organic traffic you are driving to your website to convert into actual sales. 

3. Building Direct Relationships With Your Consumers 

Social media is not only unique in the way that you can directly market your business, but also communicate with your consumers. On your digital platforms, you are opening up a line of communication between your business and its followers, where they can talk to your business in the easiest way possible. Not only is this form of communication in the mode that they like the best, but it furthermore allows consumers to give reviews, ask questions, raise concerns, and build a relationship with your brand. 

The more responsive your business is to your followers on social media, the more users will see that your brand is easily accessible, cares about its customers, and is a business worth investing in now and in the future. Interactions such as these on social media also boost your engagement and build your authority and overall awareness in the digital space as a valuable and credible business to follow on the platform. This direct line of communication builds a relationship that not only allows users to get to know your brand, but also for your business to get to know its consumers, and continually build upon a social media strategy that will produce success.  

Overall, social media is a valuable tool that any business can take advantage of in their marketing strategy. With all of its opportunities, no matter your brand or audience, any business who decides to not be active in this digital space will miss out on a lot of their prospective audience and success on the platform. Even if the visible results take time, or none of your content goes “viral”, there are still foreseeable benefits to social media that businesses cannot find by putting time into any other type of marketing strategy. 

Want to tap into these benefits of social media, but simply do not have the time in your schedule to invest into your business’ digital success?

We have the perfect solution for you! Social Rotation allows you to schedule out a year’s worth of content, all within less than 15 minutes. Within the dashboard, you can pick from a multitude of different done-for-you content packs, ranging from niche-specific to general content such as National Holidays. Even if your business does not have the time to generate valuable content and keep up with an active digital presence, Social Rotation allows you to still see the benefits of social media marketing and building your brand on social media, with all of the work completely done-for-you.

To learn more about the benefits of social media marketing for your small business, or how to leverage Social Rotation within your strategy to save your business time without sacrificing results, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

15 Twitter Statistics That Matter To Your Business’ Social Media Success

With digital spaces such as social media becoming one of the main ways of communication, especially over the past few years, Twitter has become the hub of news outlets and sourcing news. Since its original launch back in 2006, it has grown alongside its colleagues like Facebook and Instagram, and has become one of the top social media platforms in the world that users turn to for networking, entertainment, and of course news. 

But, despite being a huge channel for communication, Twitter is seemingly much less utilized by businesses in their social media marketing and building relationships with their consumers, comparatively speaking. Although you can always find larger chain businesses on the platform such as Amazon or Burger King, it is much more rare to find your smaller, local businesses on the app.

For most businesses, lack of time is usually the main factor as to why they are not present on Twitter, and instead stick to using only one social media channel. On the other hand, there are other businesses who could use Twitter, but ultimately do not see any return or benefits in being active on the platform. However, the idea that Twitter is only a news source, and not for business to consumer use, is actually a huge misconception. Just like other social media apps, Twitter is comparable in the success it can produce for businesses in their engagement, discoverability, and the undeniable potential in its users’ response to ad campaigns. 

So now you may be wondering, how can businesses like yours use Twitter to its greatest advantage in your strategy, and is it worth your time and investment to include this social channel into the list of places that you market your business in?  

We have Compiled 15 of the Most Essential Twitter Statistics, Ranging from User Behavior to Ad Campaigns, that Illustrate Its Comparative Value to Other Social Media Channels in your Business’ Marketing Strategy: 
Twitter Is Growing:
Limitless Potential In Being Discoverable: 
Ad Campaigns on Twitter Produce Astounding Results: 

Although the landscape of social media is always changing, and these statistics will most likely change over time, it is essential that your business understands the advantages of each network you are on or maybe not on yet, and how you can adapt your strategy based on current metrics. With most local businesses not even thinking about adding Twitter into their marketing and social media strategy, there is a huge window of opportunity for your business to target your audience and lead them all to your business’ page, without any competition. From the opportunity of greater discoverability due to users’ inherent behavior on the app, to undeniable results on Ad Campaigns that are worth far beyond their monetary price, Twitter provides both a network and endless opportunities for your business to be successful in your marketing endeavors.

To learn more about how to effectively market and run ad-campaigns on Twitter that will produce results and improve your discoverability, engagement, and overall success on social media for your business, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

How Articles and Blog Posts Can Formulate Into Simple Yet Successful Social Media Content For Your Business 

Posting similar content can very quickly get boring for consumers to read, and it makes them want to continue to scroll past your business’ posts. However, experimenting with new types of content on your page could lead to a compromise in the value that the posts hold overall, to both your business and your audience.

So what is the solution to providing valuable content that is still engaging, while not wasting loads of your business’ time on creating social media content? 

Posting Articles as Content and How It Could Be Important to your Marketing Strategy 

Although most businesses do not leverage articles in their social media strategy, articles can actually be a useful solution to channeling your target audience’s attention while still providing them valuable content. Article posting involves the use of information, usually from a web article that is related to your niche, that you are posting to your audience. In a way, you are providing useful information about your niche they can learn more about, by having them check out an existing blog post or article. Your business can use articles as social media content that are written by you, or even by another trusted source within your niche. Although this may seem unusual, providing unique modes of content such as articles can bring very powerful results to your social media pages. 

With so many different competitors in your niche on social media, even in your local area, it can feel daunting or near impossible to provide the best content and build loyalty through credibility to your customers. But by providing content such as articles, you will never have to worry about wasting time or potential in the results you see on social media again. 

Here Are 5 Reasons Why Adding Articles to your Rotation of Content Could Produce Results On Social Media That Other Business Will Never Be Able To Compete With: 

1. Ease of Posting

The use of article posting has proven to be a very strong way of building credibility amongst your audience, whether they are new to you or have been following you for some time. Furthermore, article posting is so powerful because you do not have to do any of the work, other than finding a reliable article that is specific to your niche. This is not a way of saying it is okay to plagiarize other people’s work, as you must still credit the article’s original source, but simply reposting it as a form of content for your audience to see. When it aligns within your niche and is reliable, it provides great value to your brand, as you are the one putting it in front of people’s eyes. 

2. Brand Authority

Along with the ease of article posting, it also helps build out your various social media platforms by providing content that is different from what may be normal to your audience. You can firmly assert yourself and build your brand’s authority into a niche by using this method, as you are providing reliable and specific information. By posting fresh and informative content, you will not only engage your existing audience, but you will also bring in the attention of other similar like-minded people, who may eventually turn into customers of yours. 

3. Boost Engagement

 Article posting is a great way to boost your engagement with your audience, and may even help you gain more followers by switching up your normal posting habits. Your followers get accustomed to your daily posts over time, and instead of reading the posts, which they may have done at the beginning, they scroll past them like any other post. By posting different articles relating to your business’ industry, however, creates a new and fresh type of post that contrasts your regular scheduled posts and will attract the eyes of your audience. 

4. Provide Fresh and New Information

As everyone in your niche is trying to compete, they are all finding the latest and greatest ways of selling your product or performing your service. One great way to leverage posting articles is by finding new information that a competitor has put out and post an article on that topic to your platform. This ensures that you are not left behind in your industry. You could even get ahead of other businesses in your niche by posting valuable information that your target audience has not yet been exposed to before by someone different on social media. Furthermore, news methods become the standard in your niche. If you are not up to date, you may lose credibility amongst your audience and customers. 

5. Building a Strong Social Media Profile

As you begin to post more and more to your social media platforms, your audience is going to get used to your regular posts. Posting articles as social media content  is a great way to freshen up and diversify your profile. This strategy in turn will lead to a greater retention rate from your audience, and will even provide higher conversion rates for your business. Instead of just attracting more eyes, your content will be more effective as well, by increasing the conversion rates and engaging new potential customers. 

Article posting is one of the greatest methods of interacting with your audience. Ultimately, it simplifies posting by enabling you to find reliable articles specific to your niche, instead of you having to write your own. Also, it is a great way to increase your brand’s credibility amongst your customers and within your niche. Although many businesses do not utilize articles as a part of their social media content, it could be a huge advantage against competitors in your niche by adding it to your own strategy. With its many benefits, this way on engaging your audience should not be overlooked.

Want to make creating content even easier? 

Social Rotation makes this already simplified your method of generating and posting valuable content, even outsourced articles. All you have to do is find the article that you want to post, copy the link, and schedule out the post, generated by the link given, that is completely done-for-you. 

To learn more about how to utilize articles or blog posts as content for your business' social media page, or how Social Rotation could completely take the work of posting completely off of your hands, click here to schedule a personalized one-on-one demo with our team.

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