Watermarking your social content is live once again. Our development team worked hard to track down a watermarking error we were having and we are happy to report that it is now live again.
We noticed an error in the system that was allowing some social accounts to be connected in multiple locations. This was causing an error with the watermarking not knowing which logo to attach to which account because of the duplicates.
We added in some fail-safes that no longer allow social accounts to be connected in multiple locations. If you try to connect an account that is already connected to another location, you will get the error message below.
If you previously had a social account connected to two locations, we have disconnected both of those and you will need to connect the social account to just one location.
If you get this error message you will need to open an incognito window in your internet browser, log into your social rotation account and connect it from there. Here is our troubleshooting document to walk you through how to do that.
To use the Watermark feature, log into your account, and click on Admin, and then Watermark.
Upload your logo file and then adjust your opacity and scale to fit your logo within the white box in the upper right-hand corner and hit the Save button.
And then make sure you have selected watermarked from your Content Bucket.
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