Social Rotation
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Create A Rotation Schedule

Download The Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1:

Click on Scheduler from the left sidebar.

Step 2:

Click on Rotation.

Step 3:

Click on Schedule New Rotation Content.

Step 4:

Choose which Social Networks to which you want to post. You can choose one or multiple.

Step 5:

Choose which of your Content Buckets from which you want to pull content.

Step 6:

Choose which days of the week and time of day you wish for the posts to go out.

Step 7:

Choose if you want to watermark the content. Watermarking will add the logo you added in the admin section to the content. Then select the Create Rotation button.

Step 9:

Repeat these steps as many times as you would like. 

Start Scheduling Your Social Media Content Today!

Schedule your social media content for the next year in only 15 minutes.
Social Rotation
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