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Content Settings

Step 1: Log into your Social Rotation Account.
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Step 2: Select Content from the left sidebar.
Step 3: Choose which type of bucket you want to create (your buckets are for uploading your own content, prebuilt buckets are buckets created from content from the Social Rotation MarketPlace).
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Step 4: Click on Your Bucket then click on the create content bucket button.
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Step 5: Choose which way you would like to upload your content.
• An individual image.
• Zipped file with several images at once.
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To upload an Individual Image:
A. Choose a file from your computer then hit save changes.
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B. Once your file has been added to your bucket you can edit that post. Click on the Edit button.
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C. Add your post caption in the area marked Post message.
D. Choose if you want to watermark that post with your logo.
E. Hit the save button.
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If you are uploading your own images you will want to make sure that you follow the image size guidelines.
If you would like to watermark the images with your logo you will want to be sure to keep the upper right-hand corner free of graphics or text.
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To upload several posts at once using a Zip file:
A. You will want to put all of your image files into one folder on your computer.
B. You will want to create a CSV (comma-separated value) sheet with the image name and captions.
Go here to access our Sample CSV Google Sheet (Tab 1 – Instructions / Tab 2- Sample CSV / Tab 3 Date Based Sample CSV).
1. Make a copy the CSV Google Sheet (File > Make a Copy).
2. Click on the bottom tab that says Sample CSV.
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3. Type in your file name in Column A (name MUST match the exact name of the file).
4. Type in your caption in Column B. Captions are what you want to say about your image inside your post.
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5. Save the file and a CSV File. Go to file > download > Comma-Seperated Values- .csv, current sheet.
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C. Combine all of your images and the CSV file into one folder on your desktop.
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D. Compress that folder into a zip file.
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E. Upload the Zip file. Choose File under Add Zipped Package. Hit Save Changes button.
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F. Once the files have been uploaded you can edit the captions if you want to. And you can choose if you want those graphics watermarked by selecting the button above Randomize Bucket (Randomize Bucket will shuffle all of your images - this is a great feature if you have several images in a row that look similar (like in a series) so that they do not show up altogether).
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Your buckets are buckets with your content in them that the schedule will pull from. The content in your buckets can be from our MarketPlace or they can content you created for yourself or a combination of both.
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Prebuilt Buckets are content that you have purchased from our Market Place. Once you have purchased a content bucket you can add them to any of your buckets to use with any of your social media profiles.
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The description will only be seen by you and it is meant to help you recall what type of content you have in that bucket. You may be a restaurant and have Lunch menu items in one bucket and dinner menu items in another.
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Step 1: Go to your Content Dashboard from your sidebar. Then Select Your Buckets.
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Step 2: Click on Choose File under Add Individual Image and upload your image of choice.
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Step 3: Once your file has been added to your bucket you can select the edit button to change the caption.
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Step 1: Select the Content Dashboard from the left sidebar. Then select My Buckets.
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Step 2: You will need to put all of the images you wish to upload into one folder on your computer.
Step 3: You will need to create a CSV (comma-separated values) sheet with the image names and captions.
Go HERE to access our sample CSV Google Sheet (Tab 1- Instructions / Tab 2- Sample CSV / Tab 3- Date Based Sample CSV).
A. Make a copy of the CSV Google Sheet (File > Make a Copy).
B. Click on the bottom tab that says Sample CSV.
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C. Type in your file name in Column A (what you write in Column A MUST match the Exact name of the file you are uploading).
D. Type in your caption in Column B (captions are what you want to say about the image on your post).
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E. Save the file as a CSV File. Go to File > Download > Comma-Seperated Values- .csv, current sheet.
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F. Combine all of your images and the CSV file into one folder on your desktop.
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G. Compress that folder into a zip file.
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H. Upload the Zip file. Choose File under Add Zipped Package. Hit the Save Changes button.
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I. Once the files have been uploaded you can edit the captions if you want to. And you can choose if you want those images to be watermarked by selecting the button above the Randomize Bucket button.
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The Randomize button is a feature that allows you to shuffle the images in your content bucket.
Step 1: Go to your Content Dashboard on the left sidebar.
Step 2: Select Your Buckets.
Step 3: Select the Bucket you wish to randomize by clicking on the drop-down button to the left that says Action and choose Edit.
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Step 4: Click on the randomize Bucket.
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Step 5: A pop up will show asking if you are sure you want to randomize. Click Ok.
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The example below is what a bucket may look like before randomization. You will notice several posts in a series that all look very similar. If we were to schedule the posts as is, they would all show up in a row.
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Below is what the same Content Bucket looks like after we have Randomized it. All of the posts have been shuffled.
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Making changes to a pre-built bucket is easy to do. The steps are very similar to editing your own buckets.
Step 1: Click on the Content Dashboard from the sidebar.
Step 2: Choose to either Create a Bucket or add it to an existing bucket (preserve scheduling applies to date based buckets- like holidays. If the bucket you have selected isn’t date-based, select ignore scheduling).
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Step 3: Once the images have been put into a bucket you can select edit to make changes to the caption, or you can choose to delete the post all together by selecting delete.
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