On today's call we discussed:
From Post Now you can upload a new image, pull from a bucket, choose a Giphy or Design in Canva. You can also add the first comment to your social post and you can post it right then or schedule it for later.
We also covered all of the new Content added to Social Rotation. Content like the Mark Manson tribute Canva Template, the Australian, Canadian, and Great Britain National Days Pack, and the new Mechanics Pack.
We also gave you the Frequency Rules PDF that you can use any time you create a schedule and we are giving you the PDF Template so you can add your own logo and send it to your clients. You will find that template under Agency Training > Resources> Agency Resource Templates.
The Social Media Growth Specialist Certification will be kicking back off on October 7th. If you have not yet registered for the training make sure you do so here: https://socialrotation.com/register4SMGS
Each week when you complete the homework assignments for the Certification program you get some great rewards. Rewards like: