1. Open the Cover Image Canva Template
2. Replace the example logo with your own logo and replace the words 'Chiropractic' and 'practice' with your Niche.
3. Download the image as a png file.
4. Log into your Facebook Page.
5. Click on the edit button on the Cover Image.
6. Upload the photo and save
3. Download the image as a png file.
4. Open your Facebook Page
5. Create a new post by uploading the image and copy and pasting the following caption with the image (make sure to replace the words in red with those that match your Niche:
The 6 Reasons every Chiropractor should be posting to their Facebook Page Daily...
Fair or not, when someone lands on your Facebook page, they make judgments about what's going on inside your business from what's happening on your Facebook page.
🔥 Chiropractors that post Facebook content daily:
1️⃣ Show up in the feeds of their fans more often
2️⃣ Feel like they are more connected to their Community.
3️⃣ Come across as more transparent.
4️⃣ Give the impression that their practice is organized and on top of things.
5️⃣ Show up higher in Facebook search rankings.
6️⃣ Get more repeat business and referrals.
So... why don't more Chiropractors use their Facebook page as a practice building tool?
Because... it's hard to post content daily.
❤️ We Love helping Chiropractors fix this!
Everyday, we help our Chiropractor clients solve their posting problem and help turn their Facebook page into a business generator... and we do it for less than $300/month.
💬 Message us for details by clicking the blue button at the top of our page.
6. Once posted, click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and choose pin to the top of the page.
1. Log into your Facebook Page.
2. Click on Settings on the far left side.
3. Click on Messages
4. Go to Starting a Messenger Conversation and turn it on. Then change your message to read as follows (make sure you replace the wording in red with your information):
Hey (Add personalization/First name of recipient), my name is Tabitha and I'm the owner of Tabitha Thomas Marketing. If you have any questions just ask them below. Excited to chat!